Sunday, May 24, 2009

2nd Attempt

Heres my second attempt at trying to make a normal entry. My weekend has been pretty nice, altho I haven't been doing much. But sometimes thats excatly what you need. Some straight up rest and relaxation. I've been playing games or trying to. I wanted so bad to play "The Legend of Crystal Valley" on my emachines game console, but I got stuck on a puzzle. My brother suggested that I go online and look up the walkthru for the game. So I did that and was able to finish the puzzle. But then I got stuck again at another part. Instead of trying to tough it out and figure it out on my own, I had the bright idea to log on and look at the walk thru again. Well, apparently the game didnt like that cuz it cut off on me and wouldn't play anymore. I was so pissed cuz its such a cool game and I hardly got anywhere on it. So I started to look up other game sites to see if maybe I could download the game from somewhere else. I found one..on big fish games, but do you know that they only have it as a demo so I still wasnt able to go anywhere on it. Sucks. Usually on Big Fish they at least let you play for 60 minutes before they cut you off but not this game. Im still unhappy about it. But what can you do. I also played "Cate West:The Velvet Keys" and Hidden in Time: Mirror, mirror", both for 60 minutes. I really hated for the Cat West game to end. It was so cool. Today I also played "Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" which is really cute. I was able to finish it on Emachines. Now Im currently loading "Spirit of Wandering-The Legend" on emachines and "Redrum" on Big Fish. Hmm, whatelse have I been doing? Reading...oh, last night me and Junior watched "My Bloody Valentine 3D". It was pretty good. I just wish more of it was in your face 3D. I may have jumped about 3 times, thinking something was coming at me. I talked to Paul for awhile on Friday. Talked to him um..three times yesterday. Why isn't there anything on tv anymore? I gotta stop eating so much. Ok, I think I said enough for today. If you have time stop in and read my story journal please!


Missie said...

Have a good Memorial Day!

Unknown said...

Hi Melissa,

Good too see you did an entry :) I am playing catch up on my blots today, I still have to read your stories which I will probably be able to do tonight after work. I am glad you had a relaxing weekend. Mine was pretty nice too except for the one major disturbance on Saturday the rest was nice. Do you ever play games on they are free and fun. I have been avoiding my gaming friends lately well not avoiding them (I play WOW)just too busy to log on and play. Hope your day is good.

Amelia said...

I don't get into games like you do. I just don't have the patience for it at all. I tried playing on Antonio's DS the other day and about threw the thing across the room lol

My Bloody Valentine was a good movie. I saw it with Chunty a few months ago in theater.


Amelia said...

Whew.. I'm about 6 chapters behind in your story journal.. I'll try to catch up soon. Love ya.